Podcast veteran Jason Heine discusses the highs, lows and current events surrounding retro and modern video gaming. The ever-changing world of Technology is also a focus and discussed in each episode. The Heine House Gaming & Tech Podcast is a nostalgic trip down memory lane; a casual conversation similar to what you'd have with an old friend.
Monday May 23, 2022
Is The Next Nintendo Console Coming?
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
I know it's been so long, I am sorry for the long absence, but I am excited to be back! In episode 87, I talk about some current gaming news, take your voice mails and give my predictions for the next Nintendo Console! Some great topics in this episode include the state of game collecting, the shady upselling practices of retail, and what that means for us as gamers.
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline:
(503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Advent, Ryan Nagel, Cliff Boyd, Grant Everet, Steve Aker, Buried On Mars, Tim Adams, Mike Glotch, Rusty Lewis, Sammy K, WhoSteenOh, Chad Shaffer, Orarina Alice, Duke Magnum, Boooooossttttt, James Schmidt, Nathan Eshelman, Joel Hatting, and Koyosho!
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Microsoft Buys Activision/Blizzard!
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
The biggest gaming event to happen isn't a convention, it's a merger! Tune in and let's discuss Microsoft buying Activision/Blizzard! I talk about modding consoles, listen to your voice mails, recommend some N64 racing games, and show my N64 holy grail!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline:
(503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Advent, Ryan Nagel, Cliff Boyd, Grant Everet, Steve Aker, Buried On Mars, Tim Adams, Mike Glotch, Rusty Lewis, Sammy K, WhoSteenOh, Chad Shaffer, Orarina Alice, Duke Magnum, Boooooossttttt, James Schmidt, Nathan Eshelman, Joel Hatting, and Koyosho!
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
I just wanted some rocks man...
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Thanks for tuning in to the first episode of 2022! In Episode 85, I talk about how a landscaper stood me up on an appointment, I give some motivational and encouraging words for the look ahead, plus share some games I played last year. What was my GOTY??
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline:
(503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Advent, Ryan Nagel, Cliff Boyd, Grant Everet, Steve Aker, Buried On Mars, Tim Adams, Mike Glotch, Rusty Lewis, Sammy K, WhoSteenOh, Chad Shaffer, Orarina Alice, Duke Magnum, Boooooossttttt, James Schmidt, Nathan Eshelman, Joel Hatting, and Koyosho!
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
What A Year, Amiright?
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
It's been so long, I know! I am happy to be back and hang out with you all for a bit. In this episode I talk about what I have been doing this year, the home buying process, and tips on being prepared if you are looking to buy a home. The Yule Log stream will be returning on Xmas eve, and I discuss a few games I have been playing.
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline:
(503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Advent, Ryan Nagel, Cliff Boyd, Grant Everet, Steve Aker, Buried On Mars, Tim Adams, Mike Glotch, Rusty Lewis, Sammy K, WhoSteenOh, Chad Shaffer, Orarina Alice, Duke Magnum, Boooooossttttt, James Schmidt, Nathan Eshelman, Joel Hatting, and Koyosho!
Sunday May 23, 2021
The PlayStation Episode
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
I am joined by the voicemail maniac Mr. Cameron Johnson in this episode, and we dive deep into the history and legacy of the PlayStation 1. We discuss trends in collecting for this amazing console, share hidden gems and provide tips and advice for collecting for the platform. This will also be my last episode for a few months, as I pack up the studio and move into our new house! It's a 3-hour episode so buckle up, we go hard in the paint with the PS1!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline:
(503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Advent, Ryan Nagel, Cliff Boyd, Grant Everet, Steve Aker, Buried On Mars, Tim Adams, Mike Glotch, Rusty Lewis, Sammy K, WhoSteenOh, Chad Shaffer, Orarina Alice, Duke Magnum, Boooooossttttt, James Schmidt, Nathan Eshelman, Joel Hatting, and Koyosho!
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Million? No, BILLION!
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
I go game hopping with MJR in my recent YouTube Video, Switch sales up almost 50%, Ransomware stops the flow of Fuel, Sennheiser sells it's business, and Discord is the know ALL be ALL knees bees!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline:
(503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Advent, Ryan Nagel, Cliff Boyd, Grant Everet, Steve Aker, Buried On Mars, Tim Adams, Mike Glotch, Rusty Lewis, Sammy K, WhoSteenOh, Chad Shaffer, Orarina Alice, Duke Magnum, Boooooossttttt, James Schmidt, Nathan Eshelman, Joel Hatting, and Koyosho!
Monday May 03, 2021
A Network Error Has Occurred!
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
Super Mario Party goes online, sorta. $300K 24K Gold Wii Console is for sale, Goldeneye 007 on SNES, Riot Games will record your voice chat in-game, The best Star Wars games on sale for May 4th, AOL may come back, and I got my ears cleaned!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, Nathan Eshelan, Tim German, Joel Hatting, and James Loon.
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
We Bought A Real Heine House!!
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, Nathan Eshelan, Tim German, Joel Hatting, and James Loon.
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
So Fresh and So Clean
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
My world is changed forever... Thanks to a Bidet. E3 PAX and AGDQ updates, Intel getting sued, Nvidia RTX Voice comes to all GPU's, I give a live noise suppression demo, and Super Mario Bros. sells for $660K, and Intel likes to wiretap, WHAT!?
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, Nick Canfield, Nathan Eshelan, Tim German, Joel Hatting, and James Loon.
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
2 Guests 1 Chat
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
In episode 78 I am joined by two of my friends BydoEmpire and FancyJustice! We sit back and chat about Blizzcon 2021's Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 announcements, Nintendo Direct highlights and go DEEP for about 30 minutes on the breakup of Daft Punk. Will Wii games making their way to Switch? PS5 VR is coming, and Hyperkin makes an HDMI GameBoy player!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, Nick Canfield, Nathan Eshelan, Tim German, and James Loon.
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Stay Warm In A Windows XP Ugly Sweater
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Episode 77 has me all nostalgic wearing a Windows XP Ugly Sweater, I talk about CDPR ransomware fiasco, Chromebooks and Nintendo Switches make sales history, Goldeneye XBOX Remaster leaked, Valve pays 4 million in a lawsuit, and EA confirms it's purchase of Codemasters!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, Nick Canfield, Nathan Eshelan, Tim German, and James Loon.
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Journey Beyond Yourself - A Memoir About Jason Heine
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
My goal with making this Memoir is to simply tell my story. What a great opportunity this was for me to showcase the countless home videos and pictures my family has taken through my younger years. This project is something I am very proud to share with you today, and I hope that because of it, we can connect on a deeper level. Thank you for listening! I am releasing both versions, audio (podcast form) and video (on YouTube).
The video version is available here: https://youtu.be/yIMdDqB75zM
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Want to discuss this Memoir? Send me a VOICEMAIL: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Nicholas Canfield, Nathan Eshelman, James Schmidt, Booooossttttt, Clive Robertson, Cameron Johnson, DukeMagnem, Ocarina Alice, Chad Shaffer, WhoSteenOh, Sammy K, Rusty Lewis, Mike Glotch, Dave Pudliner, Tim Adams, BuriedOnMars, Steve Aker, Grant Everett, Cliff Boyd, Advent, Pete Dorr, and Percy Havok.
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Games I Completed In 2020!
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
In episode 75 I discuss all the games I completed in 2020. I beat all these live on Twitch, which made for a fun and funny experience. I showcase a new Kickstarter live streaming device, bring back the Gaming History segment, plus your voice mails! Lastly, I discuss my upcoming movie; a video Memoir showing Jan 29th, 2021!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, Nick Canfield, Nathan Eshelan, and James Loon.
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
A Fireside Chat About 2020
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
A look back at the wild and crazy year that is 2020. I spend this episode discussing my year in review, what happened, news and how it played out for me. Happy new year!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, and James Loon.
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
An award, an outage, and a Yule Log
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
This will the final properly formatted episode of the year! - The Game Awards recap, Cyberpunk 2077 drama, EA buys Codemasters, games I've been playing recently, Uber fined 59M, Google had an outage, The Heine House Yule Log continues, your voicemails, and I now offer audio services via my website!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, and James Loon.
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Becky Lemme Smash Bros please?
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Super Mario Bros 3 sold for $156K, Microsoft partners with Smash.GG (Becky is that you?) Mario Kart Roller Coaster with AR is coming, I buy a Windows XP ugly sweater, PAX announces "optimistic" dates, and I take your voicemails and talk PS1!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, James Loon, and Luke Bradly
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Life, Love, & Next Gen Gaming!
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
We pause for the cause and have a 1 on 1 chat about life, the holidays, and the world we live in. We also welcome the next-gen consoles into the world by going back in time, and discussing launch games for all consoles!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, James Loon, and Luke Bradly
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Take A Break When You Need Too
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
I am BACK with a recap of the last 30 days post-surgery! Gaming & tech topics from the last month are discussed. IKEA and ASUS partner, Mario 35th BR, EA's Origin is dead, Apple's new TOS for publishers, Microsofts sinks a data center, and the return of This Week In Gaming History!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, James Loon, and Luke Bradly
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Compatibility Is Backwards
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Lot's of PS5 and Series X discussion with a deep dive discussion on backwards compatibility. McDonald's Spicy Nuggs, Chuck E Cheese's ticket mountain, 70K Aston Martin Sim Rig, RIP 3DS, XBOX One spikes in sales, and Amazons inside job bribe scandal!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, James Loon, and Luke Bradly
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Hotshot Racing Is Here!
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
In Ep 68 I talk about Hotshot Racing being released, my life advice to always deliver on your promise. Other topics: BK of the future, Taco Bell removes more food, Razer's gamer gum, Twitch Sings no more, Microsoft unveils Series X/S pricing and launch date, EA Play joins Game Pass, a 4K Switch is coming, and much more!
Listen to Hotshot Racing OST
🥁 Spotify 📻 Web 🎧 Bandcamp 🎸 Apple Music
Play Hotshot Racing On
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, James Loon, and Luke Bradly
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Don't Forget Your Sunscreen...
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Well, I have skin cancer on my nose, so that is a thing... Other topics include: Master P's food line, 24-year-old McDonald's burger and fries, Sony releasing games on PC, Fall Guys cheaters, Super Mario All-Stars 3D, Japan's flying car, and "Shotty" Beats By Dre headphones!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, James Loon, and Luke Bradly
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Should Nintendo "Switch" It Up?
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
More foodie talk with the future of Taco Bells new restaurants, Spicy Nuggz from McDonald's, and BK exploit Twitch ads, IKEA X Animal Crossing, iPhones with Fortnite installed listed for $10K, Drummer plays COD with MIDI Drums, Lightroom APP deletes all your photos, I break down a new "Vishing" scam, and we deep dive into the possibility of a redesigned Switch!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, and Luke Bradly
Friday Aug 21, 2020
I Got New Glasses!
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Girl Scout Cookies reach a new level, Blockbuster Air B&B, New PokeChit Cereal, Flight Sim 2020 is GOTY, Quake Arcade is finally cracked, Nintendo Profits are up 500%, Epic sues Apple & Google, and I get new glasses!!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, and Luke Bradly
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
I Got The Scammers In My Pocket!
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Dunkin and McD's close stores, Nintendo's new Trademark, Halo is delayed and has F2P MP, more Gigaleak data revealed, Tony Hawk music additions, Analog Pocket sells out and I break down a Facebook Phishing scam live!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, and Luke Bradly
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Livin' On The Microsoft EDGE!
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Dirt Bikes go FLYIN' on the freeway, Target's exclusive Star Wars toys, Sony gives customers ten bucks, Nintendo Source Code leaks continue, Xbox Games Showcase thoughts, and I find Cracklin' Oat Bran while eating fast food!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, and Luke Bradly
Monday Jul 20, 2020
I'm Selling POG On QVC!
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
A Fortnite Teen spends 20K on Twitch, Flight Sim 2020 comes on 20 Discs (this is a lot of 20's right?), Nintendo & LEGO make an NES, Hyper Scape Beta, XBOX One is discontinued, Twitter got hacked, and I am ready to join Amazon and QVC to sell POG juice!!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok, Andrew Patterson, and Luke Bradly
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
The Birthday Boy Is ALL About Gaming!
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Foodie chat is on point with Minecraft Cereal, chicken nugget recall, Sonic The Hedgehog Energy Drinks. Jason celebrates his Birthday with a Hori Racing Wheel for Switch. Chat about the Sega Astro Mini Arcade, Fallout TV Series, next-gen game pricing, Microsoft and Sony Indie events, and Super Mario Bros sells for 114K at auction!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok and Luke Bradly
Monday Jul 06, 2020
The Walled Garden
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Mixer, Microsoft Store, and Segway down for good, Wii and Wii U get a new release, Hotshot Racing PC Beta event, esports apartment in Vegas, TONS of new Switch games, Apple's ARM Silicon and Netgear's router security flaw!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum, Percy Havok and Luke Bradly
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
But Wait, There's More, Call Now!
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
PAX West is moving to a digital event, PS5 pricing leaked, EA Play event highlights, Cyberpunk 2077 delayed again, Pokemon Snap/GO news, and 20 minutes of fantastic voicemails!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradly
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
The PlayStation 5 Reveal!
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
A jammed pack 2-hour episode discussing DMCA/RIAA music takedowns on Twitch, the reveal of the Playstation 5, PC Gamer's show, indie game show, Hotshot Racing Beta, Retro Fighters Dreamcast controller review and Itch.io games for racial justice!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradly
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Knock knock, guess who's here? - It's Special Guest Pete Dorr
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Today I have the privilege to be joined by my good friend Pete Dorr! We dig deep into our own gaming memories while remembering the last 10 years in the evolution of gaming. We showcase trends, fads with the best and worst of the decade. All Gen Gamers Podcast, our humble beginnings, VR, 3D, Remasters, and much more are discussed!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradly
Sunday May 31, 2020
We Are Living In A Very Different World...
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
Rest in peace, George Floyd.
Donate to the Floyd family and help them through this difficult time https://www.gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd
The entire N64 retail game library is 25GB in size, PS5 games showcase is coming, Conventions canceling and going all-digital, I played Minecraft Dungeons, Super Nintendo World in Japan looks to be complete, and a Switch modded inside an NES?
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradly
Sunday May 24, 2020
Happy Birthday Pac-Man!
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
I tell the story of my experience with Pac-Man, Jordan Air's sell for hundreds of thousands, PS5 & Series X pricing, Sugar Daddies in Animal Crossing, 360Hz monitors, the first 8TB M.2 Drives, and are we in a gaming slump?
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradly
Sunday May 17, 2020
The Future Of Gaming
Sunday May 17, 2020
Sunday May 17, 2020
Nintendo Switch Online games get an update, discussion on optimizing your software for hardware, Ubisoft is in the dog house, the new E3 in 2020, Unreal Engine 5 is here, This week in gaming history and your voicemails!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradly
Monday May 11, 2020
Wii Leaked...
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
I am bringing back DJ live streams, the biggest leak of any Nintendo console just happened, Dying Light 2 drama, Series X boot up sound, Amazons AAA game Crucible, and Apples new MacBook Pro!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradly
Sunday May 03, 2020
I Was On The News Once...
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
Reggie's new podcast, Drama & Disney, New Dreamcast Controllers, Series X games being announced, Tom Nook on The Financial Times, the most stressful games of all time plus, I was on the news once...
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradly
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Merch, Music & Melody
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Jason launches his merch store (you know you need a Heine House Hoodie), Pepsi buys Rockstar, Flight Sim 2020's PC specs, Star Wars Racer Remastered, Nintendo accounts hacked, and new developments for music & Twitch performers!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradl
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Hacking The Cheaters
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Custom-built Switch, Sony launches "Play At Home", Riot's new Kernel level security measure, WARZONE is overrun by cheaters, Seinfeld Point & Click game, Crysis remastered, and your voicemails!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradl
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
The USA loves French Fries!
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Steph's new YouTube Channel, Most ordered takeout food during quarantine, Sony's Dual Sense controller, the battle of the batteries, Custom Switch & JoyCon condom, Discord's new noise suppression, Retro-Bit's new Dreamcast controller, and your voicemails!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradl
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Oh... So now you want to stream??
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Nintendo & Atari are back in the courtrooms, Phill Spencer on their relationship with Nintendo, Last Of Us 2 Delayed, Sennheiser's Memory Mic, A real car sim rig, and streaming is popular because of COVID? BRUH!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradl
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
The Truth About Half Life 3
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
We finally learn the truth about Half-Life 3, this week in gaming history, Switch outsells Wii, the passing of Landon Montgomery (Co-Founder of Gearbox), LEGO making CPU parts, plus the voicemail hotline is POPPIN'!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradl
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Wanna play your old games?
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
We're on lockdown playing Animal Crossing New Horizons every day, DOOM 64, HALO 1 on PC, American Motorcycle Sim, Reggies new book, Samsung's switch-like gamepad, Netflix party and I rant on backward compatibility with Microsoft vs Sony!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Steven Herring, Percy Havok, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradly!
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Carpenter Pants X Mario Jeans
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
I feed myself with Tripple Chalupas, I watch Toad take off his mushroom hat, Reggie joins Gamestop, BIG Nintendo news week (Levis, Lego, Lawsuits), New game "Star Wars Maverick" Leak and much more!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Steven Herring, Percy Havok, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradly!
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
1 Year Anniversary Celebration with 16bit OST's!
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Cybertruck weighs in with payload data, BK's all Fry burger, Tiger Handhelds are coming back, gaming history, XBOX Series X stats, Refurb Switches, and I talk about my favorite video game OST's with my very first guest, Cameron!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Steven Herring, Percy Havok, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradly!
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Hotshot Racing is COMING!!
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
I drop info on "Hotshot Racing" the new Heine House produced OST and Polygon racer developed by SUMO, NERF brings HALO basters out, Animal Crossing cloud saves drama, flip phones still crack and I take your voicemails!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Steven Herring, Percy Havok, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Clive Robertson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradly!
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Airport Mario, Disc Rot, and Gigabit ISP's
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Nintendo is in the news again, with airport Switch lounges, I tell stories of my ISP upsell, an Animal Crossing Clone game on PC, RATM Ticket blunder, and I take voicemails!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Steven Herring, Percy Havok, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everett, BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim, Cameron Johnson, Duke Magnum & Luke Bradly!
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Nintendo news with Switch/Wii/SNES sales figures and mobile sales profits, Microsoft is worried about Amazon & Google, ATARI to build hotels, Jason makes a "Poke-Graph", and SUSAN CAN'T SHUT OFF THE WATER!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Steven Herring, Percy Havok, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everettm BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim & Luke Bradly!
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Tackling The Backlog
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Amazon wants to scan your palms, Duke 3D & Panzer Dragoon have birthdays, my predictions on the Smart Phone crash of 2020 and I take voicemails all about tackling our gaming backlogs!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons:
George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, Chad Shaffer, Steven Herring, Percy Havok, Tim Adams, Steve Aker, Rusty Lewis, Tyler Thames, Adam Pewitt, Andrew Advent, Shawn K, Ocarina Alice, Pete Dorr, Grant Everettm BuriedOnMars, Dave Pudliner, Mike Glotch, Phil Kim & Luke Bradly!
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Water Flows One Way
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Episode 39 gest down and dirty with Disneyland toilets overflowing, CES 2020 top tech gadgets, my gaming goals for the year, AI is helping detect cancer, and kids can't survive without Google.
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons: George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, EquandoX, Chad Shaffer & Luke Bradly!
Monday Jan 13, 2020
10 Years Later A Heine House Retrospective
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Somehow, I was able to condense the last 10 years of my life into a 3-hour discussion. This is going to get personal, discussing in detail the highs and lows of the last 10 years being online. I start back in 2009 before I launched my YouTube channel, progressing through my real-world experiences. I am going to speak openly, and bluntly about subjects you may find difficult to listen too. I have never really opened up like this before, but I feel this is a great way to recap these moments in time.
I will be discussing the early days of YouTube, my first video, All Gen Gamers, My first subscriber, failed business ventures, my music, Twitch, my first time being on camera, TheEMUreview, TheHeineHouse, my LLC, Game On Expo, Hangin'' With Heine, Losing my Job, Losing my home, Stephanie and I, and so much more.
I appreciate the love and support over the last 10 years here, I am excited and optimistic for the future, and encourage you to take some time to listen to this segment. Pause if you need too, but I really feel this would be worthwhile for you to dig into. I hope it will inspire you!
Website - Discord - Patreon - Twitch - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Heine House LIVE Podcast - All Gen Gamers Podcast - Music Discography - Bandcamp
Send me a VOICEMAIL on the Podcast Hotline: (503) 908-5490
This video was directly supported by the following Patrons: George Filby, Weldon Owens, Erin Wilson, Brandon Zeller, Sam Dutch, Ryan Nagel, Justin Spadi, EquandoX, Chad Shaffer & Luke Bradly!